ResultAggregate Impact Value AIV (%) = X 100 31 = X 100 673 3 = 4,60% Rata-rata Aggregate Impact Value = = 4,65% KELOMPOK 18 79 Tabel 7.4 Data Hasil Perhitungan Sampel Item Pengujian Indeks 1 2 Berat wadah / cup W1 3177 gr 3177 gr Berat wadah + sampel W2 3824,5 gr 3850,3 gr (setelah dipadatkan) Barat awal …
اقرأ أكثرCONTENTS
ResultAGGREGATE IMPACT VALUE STANDARD: 2386 (Part 4) -1996] (RA 2011) This standard covers the method for the determining the aggregate impact value of coarse aggregates. DEFINITION Aggregate Impact value is the ratio between the weights of the fines passing 2.36 mm IS sieve and the total sample. APPARATUS
اقرأ أكثرMethodology For Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) Test
ResultPrecautions: The test should be conducted in a dry place. The aggregate should be free from dust. The cup and the hammer should be cleaned …
اقرأ أكثرExp 4 Aggregate Impact Value
ResultAggregate Impact Value. The test sample shall consist of aggregates the whole of which passes through ½ in B.S. test sieve and is retained on a 3/8 in B.S. test sieve. The aggregate comprising the test sample shall be dried in an oven for a period of four hours at a temperature of 100-110 °C and cooled.The measuring cup shall be …
اقرأ أكثرConstruction aggregates: evaluation and specification
ResultAggregate Impact Value (AIV) – this is the measurement of the aggregates resistance to repeated and sudden force. A test specimen of aggregate (14 – …
اقرأ أكثرAbrasion Test Of Aggregate: Procedure, Result & IS Code …
ResultThe abrasion Test measures aggregate toughness and abrasion resistance such as crushing, degradation and disintegration. This test is suggested by AASHTO T 96 or ASTM C 131: Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in Los Angeles Machine. The aggregates are used for the …
ResultIn the Aggregate impact value test, a small portion of coarse aggregates having a size range between 10 to 12.5 mm, is confined in a 75 mm diameter cylindrical metal measure and subjected to 15 ...
اقرأ أكثرAggregate Impact Test | Construction How
ResultAggregate impact value: Classification <20%: Excellent: 10-20%: Good: 20-30%: Fair for surfacing >35%: Weak for surfacing: The comments can be made on the basis of the results obtained. Precautions: The hammer should be dropped freely. The drop height should be observed properly. The weighing …
اقرأ أكثرAggregate Crushing Value Test
ResultProcedure The aggregate sample: The material for the standard test consists of aggregates sized 10.0 mm to 12.5 mm.The aggregates must be in a surface dry condition before testing. The …
ResultThe aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to sudden shock or impact, which in some aggregates differs from its resistance to a slow compressive load. 2.Apparatus Required Fig. 1: Balance Balance should be accurate upto 1 g Fig. 2: Sieves Seives required are 12.5, 10.0 …
اقرأ أكثرPrediction of Aggregate Impact Values and Aggregate Crushing Values
Result[19,20,21,22,23] Kwek and Awang (2018) [19] Water The aggregate impact value test determines the aggregate's resistance to sudden loading [24], which may differ from the resistance to ...
اقرأ أكثرAggregate Impact Value
ResultThe apparatus used for determining aggregate impact value of coarse aggregates is. Impact testing machine conforming to IS: 2386 (Part IV)- 1963,IS Sieves of sizes – …
اقرأ أكثرDetermination Of Aggregate Impact Value
ResultPRECAUTION. Care shall be taken that the Impact machine shall rest with out wedging or packing upon the level plate, block or floor, so that it is rigid and the hammer guide collars are vertical. DETERMINATION OF AGGREGATE IMPACT VALUE IS:2386 (Part 4)1963. Description: Test I. Test 2: Test 3: Average. Weight …
اقرأ أكثرAggregate Impact
ResultWeak aggregates may break down during mixing, handling and compaction. Within British Standards, the mechanical properties of aggregate can be assessed from 10 per cent fines value or aggregate impact value. In the 10 per cent fines test, a load is applied to the 14–10 mm fraction of the aggregate.
ResultThe aggregate impact value (AIV) is calculated by dividing the weight of the fines collected after sieving by the total weight of the sample. A lower AIV indicates a stronger and more durable aggregate. The test is also used to compare the quality of different aggregates and to select the most suitable ones for a particular …
Result1. 1 civil engineering deparment dcc 3122 highway lab report title determination od aggregate impact value course / session dcc 3122 – geotechnic and highway laboratory prepare by group group a group members 1. ainunyasmine binti haslan 03dka16f2023 2. mohd iqbal naqiuddin bin zulkipli 03dka16f2018 3. …
اقرأ أكثرAGGREGATE IMPACT VALUE (IS:2386-Part IV-1963)
ResultFor determination of the aggregate impact value of coarse aggregate, which passes 12.5 mm. IS sieve and retained on 10 mm. IS sieve. ... Aggregate impact Value = (W B / W A) × 100. Precautions. Use hand gloves while removing containers from oven after switching off the oven. To wear safety shoes …
اقرأ أكثرLos Angeles Abrasion Test of Aggregates (LA Abrasion Test): …
ResultAfter the completion of the test, the coarse aggregate is taken out and passed through sieves. 6. The aggregates coarser than 1.7 mm IS sieve are then separated. 7. The retained aggregates are then oven-dried at 105 – 110ºC and finally weighed. 8. The Los Angeles Abrasion Value is then calculated using the …
ResultAggregate impact values are used to classify the stone aggregates with respect to toughness property as given below. Aggregate impact value (%) Toughness Properties. <10. Exceptionally tough / Strong. 10 – 20. Very tough / Strong. 20 – 30. Good for pavement surface course.
ResultAggregate Impact Value. 5. PRECAUTIONS 1) Place the plunger centrally so that it falls directly on the aggregate sample and does ... Aggregate impact value is used to classify the stones in respect of their toughness property as indicated below in Table 1. Table 1: Classification of aggregate based on aggregate impact value ...
اقرأ أكثرEverything you should know about the Aggregate Impact …
ResultThe aggregate impact value is expressed as the percentage of the fines formed w.r.t the total weight of the sample Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) = …
اقرأ أكثرAggregate Impact Value Test
ResultPrecautions to be taken. The sample aggregate should be free from moisture. The sample aggregates must be cleaned by the cloth to …
اقرأ أكثرPrediction of Aggregate Impact Values and Aggregate Crushing Values
ResultCrushing test and Impact test are very important to estimate strength and toughness characteristics of the road aggregate. Extensive experimental procedures and different sets of equipment are required for these types of …
اقرأ أكثرAggregate Impact Value Test
ResultBy N Lavanya. Aggregate impact value is the measure of the resistance of an aggregate to sudden shock or impact. This test is conducted to determine the toughness of …
اقرأ أكثرAggregate impact value test- step by Step …
ResultWhy do we use aggregate impact value test? The aggregate impact value test is done to test the compressive strength of …
اقرأ أكثرAggregate Impact Value (AIV) — Material Testing Expert
ResultAggregate. . Asphalt. . Concrete. . Geotechnical. . Metal. . Cement. . Environmental. . Asbestos. . Air Quality. . Soil Contamination. . Water …
اقرأ أكثرASTM-D5874 | Standard Test Methods for Determination of the Impact
Result5.1 Impact Value, as determined using the standard 4.5 kg (10 lbm) hammer, has direct application to design and construction of pavements and a general application to earthworks compaction control and evaluation of strength characteristics of a wide range of materials, such as soils, soil aggregates, …
اقرأ أكثرAggregate Impact value Test Apparatus, Procedure and uses
The test sample: normally aggregates sized 10.0 mm to 12.5mm. the aggregates should be dried by heating at 100-110 0C for a period of 4hours and cooled. 1. Sieve the material through … See more
اقرأ أكثر2. Impact test of aggregate (Aggregate Impact value)
ResultThe Aggregate Impact Value is 26.67%. Precautions: Check the machine before testing. Wear Safety shoes and goggles while performing the testing. Use the hand gloves while removing the aggregates sample from oven. Take care of sieve before and after testing. Dust the sieve properly before and after using them.
اقرأ أكثرOverview of the Empirical Relations between Different Aggregate …
ResultAggregate Im pact Value (AIV), Ten Percent Fines Value (TFV) d etermi ned in BS 812 and Los Angeles Abrasion Value (LAA V ) according to AST M 13 1-81 ( on the nomi nal
اقرأ أكثر